These are PF cakes using the classic PF strain. Max fruiting recipe. Perlite used for humidification.
Mycelium growing on a brown rice and vermiculite substrate. Kept in darkness at around 80° F.
Another colonizing jar.
The bottom of a colonizing jar.
Same jar as above 2 days later.
The 20 colonizing jars 9 days after inoculation.
6 cakes just birthed and placed on their lids. There was in-vitro pinning. Using perlite for humidity.
9 cakes just birthed and placed on their lids.
A cake starting to pin.
A cake starting to really put on some pins.
A cake pinning.
The beginning of a 'fatass' and pinning.
This is the same mushie as above a little later.
A couple of days after the pinning started. Notice the brown streaks on the one to the right. That is caused by high humidity. The fuzzy bases of the mushies is also a result of humidity.
A cake a couple days after pinning started.
A side view of a cake.
A view of 5 cakes a couple days later.
An above view of 9 fruiting cakes. The double ended casing tek was used on a couple of the cakes. I would advise you to use this tek if you are just fruiting from cakes.
A shroom growing from the bottom vermiculite layer.
A classic 'fatass'.
A partial-flush.
The first flush! There were smiles on the faces of everyone that day.
A shroom about to open it's cap. You can see a small veil.
A close up view of a cap that has just opened up. You can see a partial-veil.
A very mature cap that was used to make a spore print (for syringes).